2019 Australian Band Championships


Brassbanned is proud to present out of this world live streaming of the 2019 Australian Band Championships – the world’s most watched band competition!

Once again, we will thrill musical pundits worldwide by delivering live streaming of every band in every grade – from Brisbane! If you are a musical pundit, please take note. If you don’t know what a musical pundit is, please tune in to find out.

Thanks to your generous donations throughout 2018, Brassbanned is able to bring more camera operators – and more cameras – to bring you the most immersive online experience ever.

We are also able to spend some time getting wonderful behind the scenes interviews in the lead up to this spectacular gathering of bands from all over Australia. Keep an eye out for our ‘Brassbanned on the Run’ series of interviews as we road trip up from Melbourne to Brisbane.

If you would like your band featured, please get in touch on Facebook, or email awesome@brassbanned.com